Sunday, January 10, 2010

One week done, 51 to go

And this marks the end of the first week of the new year.

So far, been doing well with the New Year's Resolution, Only time I went out was the weekend, weekdays have been spent playing video games or catching up with the movies I have collected. So that's going well.

A new resolution I've decided to add was to obtain my CHRP designation this year. I plan on applying to HRIA sometime this week and then will register for the National Knowledge Exam(NKE) in May. It is 150 Multiple Choice Questions. It has been years since I've touched any studying materials, and to be honest, I am quite looking forward to studying, and taking notes again. hhaaha, such a nerd! =). So we shall see how that goes. Planning to study for it right after I come back from my trip to Asia.

First week at work is over. There's definitely some adjustments I gotta make, but otherwise, it isn't too bad, new people to get to know, and in a way, I have to prove myself once again, but that's given since it is a new place afterall. It's clobbering time!

One more month until my return to the Motherland!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Year that was.

2009 sure as hell started off awesome. Spent New Years in HongKong, and then two days later flew to Tokyo for a couple days and then back to HK again until the 18th. One of the funnest trip I've had for sure. There were a lot of new sights and a lot of new food and experiences; while it may seem like similar cultures, experiencing it is definitely a whole different story, I appreciate this trip for that. This is pretty much it for my January, other notable events would be Kingsley and Louis' birthday at Iron Horse.

I know February was quite forgettable as there wasn't much that happened aside from work. But I do believe that I booked my Montreal trip in February.

March. The first two weeks of March I somehow got Pneumonia; I have never felt so sick in my life. Couldn't make it to work for two days, and barely made it in for the third. I only went in because I had a flight to catch. Let's just say there wasn't much work done, I just mainly slept at work. I also remembered, the flight home was delayed around 3 hours and that definitely did not help things. When I finally made it back to Edmonton, paid the taxi driver an extra $5 to make a quick pitstop for chinese take out. Was about 5 minutes from home before I realized that I forgot my home keys in a bag back in Fort McMurray. Yeah...that wasn't a good day.

March was also when I visited Montreal for the first time. It did not feel like I was in Canada at all, there is a lot of European culture there and it was really beautiful. Now I haven't visited all cities in Canada yet, but I would consider staying there.

April- June. These are the summer months where I didn't do much, aside from a lot of partying? Really don't remember too much from it. End of June though, I made a trip to Vancouver. This isn't the first time I've been there, but thought I would make use of the site Charter and get a flight there for free! Really fun trip, and a lot of food was consumed. Japa Dog! mmmmmm

June - October. These months were pure working, no holidays. Only thing was a camping trip(Jasper) in August. Gourmet food while camping, only we can pull it off. Near the end of October, I remember I was close to having a meltdown and decided to take a couple days off just to relax.

November- My birthday + Eech's Bachelor Party + Danielle's Birthday

December- Site wind down = crazy busy.

(Yes, I kind of got lazy typing)

Shows I saw this year:
- Lion King Broadway
- Russell Peters
- Stand up comedy guy at the Fringe
- Oilers Game

This is pretty much it for significant events. I've missed quite a few things, but 2010 will make up for it! Bring on 2010!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Good Day,

Now that 2009 is over, and 2010 is starting, it is going to be a whole new ball game! A new workplace, new people, new policies, new beginning.

I'll miss the people I've grown to know the past 2 years, I've made some pretty awesome people up on site. There's a lot of personalities for sure, Thank you everyone for helping me out and helping me grow as a person.

And I've said it before, my New Year's Resolution this year is to save money. Gone will be the days of carefree spending. It should be a dandy!

Well, I am keeping this short. Goodbye 2009, welcome 2010! Where will this year bring me? We shall see. I'll do a recap of 2009 soon.