Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Life goes on and on and on

What is "to be happy"? Having a comfortable career? Or having enough money in the bank account? I guess the definition is different for everyone. That definition seems like its always changing for me. Am I happy? Yes, but what is it that makes me happy? That might be a combination on a lot of things. And I have yet to figure that out. But does one really need a reason to be happy? I don't believe so. Being a happy person is more fun than being a sad person!

I find I lack discipline. Discipline in life. It is a maturing process that I find I have not possess yet. Do I have a lot to learn? Yes. Do I have things an habits I need to change? Most definitely. I do believe I'm still in search for that one motivation to achieve it.

I guess lately I've been doing some self reflection, to see where I am in life, and where I want to be in life. What am I doing with my life. Who's been in my life. Am I being negligent and taking everyone for granted? A good friend of mine recently told me something that made me realized that. "I think you are a great friend, but you make me feel like I'm not a good enough friend to you". That statement had a big impact on me. I realized that friends should never be taken granted for. We have to show our friends that we do care about them, and that we should be able to miss each other's company. And to be able to share feelings. So I want to make a commitment, to make sure everyone knows what a good friend they are. Friends are something none of us can live without. To the person who made me realized that. Thank you. I will miss you.


At 10:53 p.m. , Blogger Rubs said...



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