Monday, December 10, 2012

The Last of my 20s

The year has finally come. This year, will be the last year of my 20s. One whole decade will be over. It has been quite an interesting 10 years. Not to mention it seemed like it went away pretty quickly. Let's see, off the top of my head right now, what have I done the last 10 years. - Obtained a degree - Obtained 2 seperate diplomas - Experienced life in Fort McMurray - Lived in Vancouver for a year - Travelled to HongKong, Japan, Parts of the States and Canada, visited home, Malaysia, Singapore - Met and made very wonderful lifelong friends Of course, those are just some highlights, it has been a very fun filled 10 years. Now, to live the last 11 months of my 20's, make everything count!! =)


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