Wow, it has really been a while since i've blogged about anything.
I guess October was a bender of a month for me. I had a very screwed up work schedule and as such it has somewhat threw me off a little. Not getting the routine days off, but however, I did get quite a bit of rest and what not.
The biggest change for me at the moment at work is that my Boss quit, and as such will be doing a lot more. In a way, this is almost the best way for me to learn and gain more experience, this is really learning by the fire, so we shall see how I am able to hold the fort down.
The Oilers are doing ok, although not the best yet, but they are improving! Next game is tomorrow at 530! against Columbus! Oilers are 6-4-1 at the moment and that is by far not too bad considering how we could be so much worse off.
There has been a lot of things that have been going through my mind lately, but these are things that i will not be sharing on this blog. As much as I like to write all these things out and feel more relieved, I don't think I will do it this time around. Maybe another time.
Birthday is coming in a couple days, should be able to have some fun with it since I am back on days off. I'll post some pics of it if I take some. the new Ipod Nano as a gift from the company for hitting 2million man hours on this project i am working on! ^.^, not sure yet if i'll be using it since I already have my own ipod that is two years old. But I wouldn't mind using it, will start uploading music on it when I buy a cover for it. Dont want to scratch this one!
Going to be a short and boring blog entry, I lack the creativity to spice it up!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
sometimes, don't think...Just do it!
About Me
- Name: bcaiwong
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Bsc. Major Mathematical Sciences; Minor Arts Psychology;
Business Administration- Management Diploma;
Executive Hotel Management Diploma- Imperial Hotel Management College
- Danielle, My Fellow Foodie
- When life gives you lemon, this site gives you hope
- THE Kenny Sia
- XiaXue, cause she's just entertaining
- Rosanna Wong, Knitting Extrodinaire
- Cause, Pink is the New Blog
- All my NHL hockey Action
- You can find me here most of the time
- Definiely one of my daily reads
Previous Posts
- The Last of my 20s
- More things from my jumbled mind.
- Brand new hotels coming up
- Lost
- Where in the world?
- Are things arranged ahead of time?
- A saying
- Angry Food Court boss
- Life goes on and on and on
- Grand Dynasty Seafood Restaurant
- April 2006
- June 2006
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