Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So, sitting infront of my computer, in front of my MSN in where i've written [15] days, there are 15 days left in this term including the finals i have to write. Looking back and reflecting, it doesn't seem like this semester has gone by with a zoom, but also, it doesn't feel like i've done much in this semester.

Most of my classes this semester, the teachers have been quite lax, work periods here, work periods there, no class here, no class there. Like I predicted in the beginning of the semester, I dont think I enjoyed classes this semester as much as I did last semester. But hey, its not the quantity of time spent but the quality of time, I am sure i've learnt what I set out to learn.

Presentation tomorrow, Big City Snack Shack. haha, I came up with that name, and I guess my group members like it. It's a mobile convenient store where we can drive the store wherever we want and sell stuff you can find in mac's.. Neat huh? Maybe..haha.


李:從來亦無自信 人云亦云 庸庸碌碌半生 連自己的戀愛運 也欠一點決心
容:為何望來望去 仍無下文 明明彼此有同感 難道等一天變做熟人 發現原來相襯
合:現在還未算 纏綿情節會逐漸降溫
李:遲來一秒鐘 遲凝一秒鐘 從而接你變做目送
容:遲來一秒鐘 沿途經過和結局 其實太不同
李:遲遲未預備 第一句愛你 已經足夠蘊釀暗湧
容:盼望猶豫未決的情人回信 猶如行刑縣在半空
李:拖一拖 容:等一等
李:拖一拖 容:等一等
李:良辰就如白費 明明動情 怎會不敢作聲
容:提示很充足 但你的態度 永遠不得要領
李:相戀要是有天命 容:都要等你來確認
合:現在還未算 纏綿情節會逐漸結冰
李:遲來一秒鐘 遲凝一秒鐘 從而接你變做目送
容:遲來一秒鐘 沿途經過和結局 其實太不同
李:遲遲未預備 第一句愛你 已經足夠蘊釀暗湧
容:盼望猶豫未決的情人回信 猶如行刑縣在半空
合:拖一拖 等一等 怕得到得來已是無用 拖一拖 等一等 這刻的感動變做裂縫 連提及亦會心痛
容:都要等你來確認 現在還未算
李:還未認 容:纏綿情節會
李:遲來一秒鐘 遲凝一秒鐘 良緣永遠這樣斷送
容:遲來一秒鐘 仍然等你來告白 何事你都未動容
李:明明在附近 又不告訴你 太多戀愛這樣告終
容:怕在離場後接到遲來情信 其時和旁人在抱擁
合:拖一拖 等一等 怕這點激情最後模糊 李:拖一拖
容:等一等 合:終於知表白刻不容緩


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