Sunday, May 27, 2007

An update on the weekend.

Friday started out quite early. Early in the morning, around 940 or so, I set out to various banks to drop off my resume hoping to find a position somewhere. This was done after being inspired by a friend and thinking things through, its time to stop so procrastinative(is there such a word?). So off I went to ATB, TD, BMO, CIBC, RBC. Some of them said to apply online but they would take my resume anyways, so that's good I reckon. The adventure continues tomorrow hopefully, but that is still tentative, as my grandma has to fast for 48 hours and she might be weak and I don't want to leave her at home with my grandpa only. After dropping off the resumes, I went to pick up my lil cousin from school and then proceeded to the movie theaters where I saw........

Pirates of the Carribbean: At world's End
It was a very long movie and they needed to get a lot of the things through, which kinda makes sense, but I am sure they could've somewhat shorten it. In any case, the end was worth waiting for, absolutely liked it! Pretty much similar to the 2nd one I find, but a bit better. We had to see it cause after watching the 2nd one, there's really no choice but to watch the 3rd one. Caught the noon showing, and we got awesome seats too! No complaining from me.

After the movie, I came home and we proceeded down to Calgary. The trip itself was ok, didn't do anything, just pretty much stayed at my uncle's and chill. Bought a couple chinese movies which I intend to watch. I ate A LOT! My aunt in Calgary is awesome when it comes to making food, i wasn't hungry at all during the trip, which is amazing since I am ALWAYS hungry. Anyways, Got back here today(sunday).

Went to the driving range with some friends which I did pretty well in actually, happy with my performance today. Afterwards, we went to taipan and had a quick dinner before deciding to go watch a movie...and the movie of choice was....

Pretty much everything the first movie was. *semi spoiler*And the ending is pretty much like the first one too...(If you watched the first one)....*/end semi spoiler*. For those who liked the first one, you'll probably like the 2nd one, nothing too fancy and what not. And so was my weekend in a nutshell, now i am just going to sit infront of the computer and rot a little before I go to bed =)


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