Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Here I am, Wednesday noon time, not knowing what to do, and feeling the urge to somewhat write something. haha, I woke up today being worried, about my job situation. Did I not put enough effort into applying jobs? Am I applying for the wrong jobs? Why aren't I getting any replies? Why do I feel like I am so lazy? And with that in mind, I got off my bed, came to the computer, and went on and applied for more jobs. I have a sinking feeling that those might all be in vain, but we'll see what happens. Right now, the thought of going back to brunei actually doesn't sound too bad.......

I played my first 18 holes in golf on friday. It was a 5 hour round. Really exhausting, expensive and fun. I enjoyed it a whole lot! But i'll need more practice and my own golf set if i want to actually do well. That will come if i find a job.

Also played a card game called Bang! on Saturday. It was a fun game to play, somewhat munchkin like, but not really. Highly recommended card/board game.

Bought a book yesterday....

Got a few recommendations to read this book, so I bought it. Read the first couple chapters, was quite funny, so I have the urge to go on reading. I'll write about how it is after I am done. Funny how I start a book when I have to start school....sigh, only me...

Went to some of my friend's convocation the last 2 days. Just taking pictures and what not. Really reminded me of when I convocated, it was a fun filled day of just taking pics and what not. Its a happy occation as awell as the dread of finding a job if you haven't already. After sitting through the 2 hours or so of hearing ppl's names, it's always great to come outside to take pictures with family and friends.

Last night, i went to a friend's going away/graduation thing. I've known her for a bout 4 years or so now. Got to know her while volunteering for International Students Orientation a.k.a. Transitions. Those were really fun days, and something I'll never forget for a long long time. Hope You have fun with your future outings and Good luck.

Also Last Night, I went to watch....

This was so much better than Ocean's Twelve. Maybe because I went in without much hype, unlike the 2nd installment. All in all, I enjoyed watching this one, laughed a bit with a bit of what the heck? So i recommend this if you have been watching the francise.

With that said, time for an updated movies to watch list(those I really intend to watch)
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Knocked up
Live or Die Hard
Good Luck Chuck
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Surf's up


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