Sunday, February 11, 2007

What is it with all these snow? haha...its like they were saving it all throughout winter and just felt like dumping it all down these few days....ok, it might not be as much as we've seen the last few years, but still, snow! argh! haha...i think i am living in the wrong city/country if i complain this

But then again, I like watching snow fall, just don't like interacting with it! "what the deuce?" you must've asked yourself, haha, but hey just cause i like watching snow doesn't mean i like walking or driving in them nor shovelling them (or lack of).

Gridiron Gang
I guess I am a sucker for *based on a true inspirational story* movie. It was actually quite entertaining, there's really a team-feeling when you watch this. Being in a team, standing up for teamates. Gung HO! The rock is actually improving quite well as an actor, very powerful performance!

Step up
Yes, here we go, another chick flick that I saw. The Dancing and soundtrack to this movie was actually quite good, storyline was a bit predictable, but hey, that goes for a lot of movies. You just have to take it for what it is worth. Good movie nonetheless.

2 movies i saw over the weekend, actually saw telledega nights too, but i saw that once before already, so i guess it semi counts? haha

Such a lazy day today, but got my accounting lifa labs done, research done. I think it's still snowing out there, but i am not too sure actually. I think i should check upstairs once in a while.


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