Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good Morning.

Have been really busy here at work, and it seems like forever since I've been here. But it is already the weekend and I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Usually, after the weekend, it is the home stretch and things usually get easier then. My boss comes back on Tuesday and that'll help alleviate some of the things I've been doing. It sucks that your boss is your cross shift, it means that you'll be handling most of the stuff he's been doing and not knowing what half of them are, and people expect almost as much from you as they did from him and with less than half the knowledge that he possess. However, with that being said, I know I am getting a ton of priceless experience here and that is what keeps me going, I am a better person at this job now than when I started almost 11 months ago!

Word on the street is that there is a big announcement on Monday which concerns our company. Everyone have their own speculation as to what it is, and me, being me, am really curious about what it is all about, guess we'll find out Monday.

Another word on the street is that we'll be getting 8Gig Ipod Touch from Shell for hitting the 10million Man hour Loss Time Incident Free Milestone, if that is true, that will be so great! woohoo!

Hmmm, I am going to Vancouver next Wednesday! and it should be a fun little time, its always great just to be able to leave Edmonton and go travelling. I love vacations. Although Vancouver is a place I've been to lots, but I still love it and I haven't been back there for almost 2 years. The food is just amazing! and the shopping is so good! And honestly, Vancouver is one of the cities I would consider moving to once I have my PR. I mean, I have family in Edmonton and such, but I feel that I've done all I can in Edmonton and would like to venture elsewhere if possible!

and i guess, so much for saving money..for the first half anyways...


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